Spice Box up your life
No more weekends before I move out, eh? No more obstacles, excuses, or Saturdays between now and *cue dramatic overtures* The Future.
In less than 2 full days from now, I'll be leaving this place, never to return, and all the rooms will be left empty of familiarities, the house locked up, only to next have its doors opened by people who are strangers to it. (Apparently nobody forgot to un-cue those overtures. Apologies.)
And then I'll be carted off, with my family and all our material belongings, to a new place to live. I'm having trouble seeing myself adapting even though I know I will, eventually. Maybe over time I'll start appreciating the view of water and city skyline over the view of serene green trees.
I know I complain and whine and worry and fret a lot, but the new place isn't exactly a dump or anything. But it IS new, and different, and not home, even when it technically will be. There is no problem, and I am fine, and this'll be a breeze. Right?
P.S., Have I mentioned how much of a pain group work can really be, sometimes?
ETA: 12", Holly, Dragon You scored 47 wisdom, 33 bravery, 15 emotional, and 16 martyrdom! |
Holly is a powerful protective wood that good for use against evil, but it also represents dreams and fertility. Your dragon's heartstring core makes your wand very effective in hexes. |
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 57% on wisdom | | You scored higher than 53% on bravery | | You scored higher than 15% on emotional | | You scored higher than 23% on martyrdom |